Writing a master's thesis:

At the end of your master’s degree, you should write a scientific paper. In it, you will independently work on a question using scientific methods. So much for the theory. But what does the practice look like? If you follow a few tips, you can successfully complete your master's thesis and Best Resume Writing Services.
Finding a topic for the master’s thesis The master's thesis does not only differ from the bachelor's thesis in terms of scope . There are also differences to be considered here when it comes to finding a topic. Your topic should be able to be integrated into the professional world. The master's thesis should therefore answer a research-relevant question. In doing so, you show that you are familiar with the current research discourse. To do this, you should make your scientifically justified statement that does not duplicate previous work. Therefore, to find the topic of your master’s thesis, not only read standard works, but also find out about current trends and work. Scientifically compatible, also for the dissertation While the bachelor thesis has a rather closed question on the topic, the master thesis sometimes goes beyond itself: It can serve as a scientifically connectable preparatory work for the doctoral thesis. Therefore, you should choose the topic and question in such a way that you could expand it to a dissertation. In some subjects it is only possible to work on an empirical topic in the master's thesis, i.e. to collect data and build your hypothesis on it. This usually leads to an extension of the processing time that the examination office allows you. The master's thesis as an application Even if you don't want to stay at the university: Where to go after the master’s degree can be an orientation for finding a topic. If you would like to go in a certain direction professionally or have a special industry in mind, it could be useful for later applications if you have already dealt with it scientifically. While doing your research, you might make useful contacts. Your subject-related knowledge may also later be a unique selling point on the job market. Stay curious about the topic of your master's thesis. Discuss it with others, attend events outside of the university that deal with your area of ​​interest. Check out websites and check publications for new articles. If necessary, subscribe to news feeds for your literature search on the website of your university library. Choose a supervisor and narrow down the topic First, find out basic information about the topic of your master's thesis using reference works. Here you may find references to standard works on your area of ​​interest. Research in parallel, but in other ways, to ensure that you have current work at hand. Find a supervisor who is familiar with the subject area by researching their research areas on the internet. Make your interest clear by going to the consultation hour prepared and informed. Prepare a preliminary bibliography and have already read basic texts. This also makes the conversation more productive for you because you can ask more specific questions. Narrow down your topic by asking a specific question. The question is, so to speak, your tool with which you develop subject areas and scientific texts. The so-called “three-step technique” by Kate L. Turabian (2007) can help to develop a question from your topic. Then ask specific questions for the titles that relate to your question. Follow this principle both when researching, to decide whether you need a title or not, and when reading the texts themselves. Structure of the master's thesis Building on the question, you can structure your master's thesis. Divide your main question into small sub-questions that you plan to answer in the text. Divide the answers in turn into theses, which you justify with your findings and text passages and Hire the best Resume writers. Based on the knowledge you already have about the topic, you can develop an argumentation structure with which you can support your working hypothesis. In the end, there has to be a common thread running through all the work that leads to a result. The common thread makes the result understandable for the reader. Organize knowledge using visualization and clustering Organize your knowledge by using visualization techniques such as "clustering" or mind maps. Write key statements behind which you note the literature that support your theses or that are important for this part. Number the cluster or mind map groups that appear to belong together. You can then break down the cluster groups in a linear order that is required in the outline. Use literature organization programs to organize literature references according to bullet points. You can also connect article files and access links directly to it. Depending on the program, this will help you to sort your notes and excerpts and to find them again using the search function. If you prefer to argue in writing, there is also the option of writing a draft and deriving an outline for your master's thesis from it. When formulating headings, think about the best way for a reader in a hurry to get to the right passage. Have someone unfamiliar with the subject proofread your drafts. One paragraph, one function Ask yourself which function a certain paragraph takes on in the overall text of the master's thesis. It should only contain one topic or argument. Break the paragraph down into a summarizing "topic sentence" and the rest to explain it. As a role model, look at the subdivision of text sections in recognized specialist journals. For each paragraph, ask yourself what function it fulfills. Think about how many pages you need for which part. This can help you keep track of the effort for all of the work. If you notice in the course of your work that certain aspects are much more important and your reasoning changes, adjust the structure and Resume Writing World. Use flowcharts to graphically visualize your line of argument. One argument is written down in consecutive fields connected by arrows. This can also serve to illustrate the reasoning in the work itself.

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